Vampire Wedding Bells
Vampire Wedding Bells

Game Description:
Tonight the wedding bells are ringing for a beautiful vampire couple. The wedding ceremony will take place in the same spot where they have meet a few years ago while pursuing the same victim. It was love at first sight and they are together since then and now they decided to unite their destinies. You are invited to play this game and decorate the place exactly how you imagine that a vampire wedding should look like. Just explore the options and see what you like most. Enjoy!
Tonight the wedding bells are ringing for a beautiful vampire couple. The wedding ceremony will take place in the same spot where they have meet a few years ago while pursuing the same victim. It was love at first sight and they are together since then and now they decided to unite their destinies. You are invited to play this game and decorate the place exactly how you imagine that a vampire wedding should look like. Just explore the options and see what you like most. Enjoy!